NCS company presents:


Dedicated to all professionals working in the orthopaedic field, with a particular focus on surgeons and physiotherapists


supporting diagnosis

We believe, the more accurate a diagnosis is in identifying a pathology, the smaller the margin of error in choosing a treatment for your patient.

Showmotion™ was created with this in mind: offer healthcare professionals a tool that can support their clinical decisions with objective data based upon a quantitative kinematic analysis.

Who are we aiming to support?

Showmotion™ is aimed at all professionals working in the orthopaedic field, with a particular focus on surgeons and physiotherapists.

Users are able to formulate a more accurate diagnosis by supporting the physician’s assessment and diagnostic tools (such as CT, X-ray, MRI, etc.) with a revolutionary device that provides dynamic quantitative kinematic information, and then comparing the data over time.

In this way, Showmotion™ supports practitioners at every stage: diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

How it's used

Sensors are positioned on the joint of interest. The patient follows some basic movements and the device captures, displays and records their function.

The process allows movements to be analyzed in real time.  Depending on the activity, the software calculates a series of kinematic variables that support the practitioner in assessing the state of health of the joint. The device analyzes movement in real time, generating a graph that compares their function to a database of function or to the patient’s past sessions.

A real support for diagnosis

Showmotion™ is an innovative tool that enables a complete movement analysis to be carried out while simultaneously obtaining data on muscle activation.  Using an inertial platform and validated protocols for upper and lower limbs, Showmotion™ measures, records, and compares movements while providing a visual representation of the variables involved.  This process brings to light any dysfunctions through real-time movement analysis.  This helps to make Showmotion™ a diagnostic support tool for acquiring kinematic data.

A network of secure advantages

in numbers

About 10,000 analyses have been performed with the platform

A complete diagnosis

Showmotion™ is a device designed to further support the diagnostic assessment by the clinician: it enables clinical results to be objectified in an analytical and precise manner.

Fast analysis

The device is able to perform and support diagnosis in a five-minute session.

Innovation for research

Showmotion™ is also a valuable support tool for scientific research. It is an innovative device that is useful for supporting studies by quickly collecting and documenting objective data and reports.

Prevention, anytime, anywhere

Showmotion™ is easily transportable, allowing the analysis to be carried out any place and at any time. (even open air).


“Showmotion™ is the best motion capture device there is, in other words we can capture the movements of the body parts we are interested in and we can really see it in detail “

“…I think if you want to be a good shoulder surgeon having this kind of information is one of the main keys, and it’s one of the things that we’ve lacked in the past to develop our total understanding of the problems related to scapular dyskinesia…”

Dr. W. Ben Kibler, M.D.
Lexington Clinic
World renown author, lecturer and expert on scapular function and dysfunction



NCS is a multi-technology center where  multiple disciplines come together to support companies in developing new products or solving problems.

 These skills and many years of experience in the orthopaedic sector have led to the creation of a wide range of orthopaedic devices with a 360° focus on the shoulder: from the development of techniques in the arthroscopic, prosthetic and traumatological fields, to rehabilitation instruments, kinematic analysis and training.

NCS | NCS Lab Srl
Via Pola Esterna 4/12
41012 Carpi (MO)
Tel. +39 059 669813
VAT IT02550041202
Codice Univoco: UE2LXTM

Certifications – Certificate N.50 100 9205 UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 – Certificate N. MED 29111 Rif: law 93/42 CEE – Certificate N. 8840-M

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